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archive of past youth service updates

2024 updates

Thursday 3 October

spotlight on education for young parents (teen parent units and education obligations), accommodation supplement check-in, a message from yssu – check the size of your attachments, winter energy payment has ended, vaiaso o te gana tuvalu – tuvalu language week, transferring between providers, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder resources, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 26 September

the traffic light system, mental health awareness week free resources, drop-in recap: headstrong, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 19 September

payment card pin deadline, submitting exit tasks, young people in emergency housing, full and correct entitlement, rāpare rima – ways to celebrate reo māori, commemorate suffrage day, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 12 September

inspiring the future programme, supporting documents task, winter energy payment ends, satisfaction survey results, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 5 September

financial support while studying, housing reminders, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 29 August

emergency housing changes, payment card pins, youth service experience survey, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 22 August

payment card pins, new performance standards webpage, youth service experience survey, emergency housing changes, tongan language week, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 15 August

making it easier to record ncea, emergency housing changes, obligations and sanctions, youth service experience survey, youth service birthday, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 8 August

emergency housing responsibilities, cook island māori language week, did you know..., upcoming drop-ins

Thursday 1 August 

hardships, good notes, payment card pins and suppliers, climate change workshop, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 25 July

programme fund, youth plans, payment card pins, spotlight on contracted outcomes, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 18 July

housing changes, satisfaction performance measures, reminders from yssu, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 7 July 

education performance measures, money management, full and correct entitlement and supplementary assistance, upcoming drop-in sessions

Wednesday 26 June

make sure art is up to date, letters to taiohi in custody, deep dive: the contact performance measures, improving msd’s housing support products, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 20 June

haere rā barbara, housing support products expanding, msd employment supports, improved funeral grant guidance, register to get access to nzqa learning records, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 6 June

new needs and activities in ART, housing support products expanding, survey results, what’s happening (men’s health week, Matariki, Join our feed back group), upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 30 May

family violence drop-in recap, youth week, reminders - Kings Birthday payments, tips from yssu, share your knowledge, what’s happening - smokefree day, budget day, satisfaction survey, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 23 May

lgbtqia+ drop-in session recap, youth service satisfaction survey, what’s happening – youth week, samoan language week, world smokefree day, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 16 May

art enhancements, jobs and skills hubs, using the tmvmt, youth service experience survey, what’s happening (privacy week, youth week, rotuman language week), reminders from yssu, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 9 May

new alert: names pronouns gender, service performance tips: employment activities, youth service experience survey, recap: reviews of decisions, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 2 May

puāwaitanga counselling, obligations and sanctions, writing good notes, upcoming drop-in sessions

Wednesday 24 April

full and correct entitlement, new needs and activities, programme fund, whītiki tauā virtual mentoring, winter energy payments, social housing fast track, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 11 April

industry partnerships drop-in session recap, join our feedback group, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 4 April 

youth service satisfaction survey results, reducing the use of emergency housing, tips and tricks – transition to main benefit, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 28 March

art admin check-in, more help with childcare costs for young parents, citizens advice bureau tool kete for taiohi, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 21 March

nz post no longer accepting payment cards, helping taiohi to get their birth certificate, drop-in recap housing, upcoming drop in sessions

Thursday 14 March

driver licence programme changes, emergency housing announcement, annual general adjustment, flexible childcare assistance changes and guaranteed childcare assistance, training incentive allowance, easter 2024 payments, youth service survey, face, notes and activities,  upcoming drop in sessions

Thursday 7 March

aging out and exit plans, driver licence programme changes, income calculation changes for sole traders, easter 2024 payments, youth service survey, upcoming drop in sessions

Thursday 29 February

supporting taiohi into employment, climate change youth advisory group, ncea results released, children's day, transition to working age benefits, youth service survey, YSSU reminders, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 22 February

lsv course, bluelight course to prepare for lsv, understanding young people in emergency housing, driver licence programme changes, using the right employment task, youth service satisfaction survey, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 15 February

driver licence programme announcement, new and improved emergency housing info resource, applications for youth week event grants open, education outcomes, art alerts, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 8 February

spotlight on the performance standards document, new work page on work and income site, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 1 February

ready to rent programme, direct studylink line, waitangi day changes to payment dates, a message from yssu: whakanui to our youth coaches, keeping yourself well, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 25 January

flexible funding, back-to-school costs, neet consent form reminder, join our feedback group, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 18 January

family reconciliation counselling, reapplying for a payment after a breakdown, ncea results released, waka kotahi: wait times for licence tests have increased, ordering forms, payment cards and brochures, upcoming drop-in sessions


2023 updates

Tuesday 19 December

new art task for paid employment, end of year celebration, help us improve our services, a message from Dana Mauriohooho, regular youth service update break

Thursday 14 December

emergency housing, whiteware, obligations and sanctions over the holiday period, end of year celebration, summer job szn, drop-in sessions next year

Tuesday 12 December

process change for payment cards, end of year celebration, performance standards document, keeping yourself well guide, correction – payments over the holiday

Tuesday 5 December

youth service experience survey response results, end of year celebration, recap: summer prep drop-in session, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 30 November

youth service survey, neet consent form, consent for use of photos and videos, working with your young people in employment, access to mymsd this sunday, upcoming drop-in sessions

Tuesday 28 November

supporting young people into employment, refreshing needs and activities categories, youth service survey, GCAP factsheet, tips and tricks from YSSU, art milestone enhancement, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 23 November

youth service experience survey, guaranteed childcare assistance payment holding fees, industry partnerships and taiohi, upcoming drop-in sessions, YSSU Diwali celebrations

Tuesday 21 November

youth service experience survey, exemptions from youth activity obligations, ‘what matters most’ survey, transition to working age benefits, tips and tricks from YSSU, COVID-19 spikes, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 16 November

mana in mahi – strength in work, one month to apply for student loan and allowance, youth week 2024 – help pick the theme, youth service experience survey, system updates this weekend, upcoming drop-in sessions

Tuesday 14 November

new payment card map, youth service client experience survey, transgender week of awareness, drop-in recap: housing, tips and tricks from YSSU, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 9 November

transfer from youth service to work and income, young people’s rights to personal protective equipment, share your snaps with us, gender identity and young people's wellbeing in Youth19, drop-in recap: programme fund, upcoming drop-in sessions

Tuesday 7 November

leaving school before the age of 16, emergency housing supplier standards are here, recording drivers licence programme progress in ART, tips and tricks from the youth service support unit, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 2 November

part-time, seasonal or casual work while on a payment, upgrades for MyMSD, drop-in sessions survey closes tomorrow, upcoming drop-in sessions

Tuesday 31 October 

getting relationships recognised, tips and tricks from the youth service support unit, drop-in sessions survey closes soon, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 26 October

new home help ART task, full and correct entitlement check-in, taiohi with no current activities recorded in ART, avoid debt by declaring wages, finding a job – resources for helping taiohi, upgrades for MyStudyLink and Apply Online, we want to hear from you – drop-in sessions 2024, upcoming drop-in sessions

Tuesday 24 October

te vaiaho o te gagana Tokelau – Tokelau language week, emergency housing supplier standards opt-ins, guaranteed childcare assistance payment reminder, we want to hear from you – drop-in sessions 2024, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 19 October

faahi tapu he Vagahau Niue – Niue language week, deep dive into employment and work readiness assistance, webinar: conceptions of housing, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 12 October

work-based learning, industry partnerships drop-in session recap, upgrades for MyMSD, MyStudyLink and Apply Online, have you voted yet, upcoming drop-in sessions

Tuesday 10 October

macawa ni Vosa Vakaviti – Fijian language week, new jobs and skills hubs in Tairāwhiti and Lower Hutt, exit plans, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 5 October

industry partnerships – special drop-in session, studylink celebrates 25 years, system upgrades this weekend for MyMSD, upcoming drop-in sessions

Tuesday 3 October

vaiaso o te gana Tuvalu - Tuvalu language week, alerts in art, oranga tamariki's transition support service, driver licence changes, winter energy payment has ended, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 28 September

YSSU Emergency Housing (EH) – proactive contact, Youth Service application process documents, driver licence programme changes, upcoming drop-in sessions

Tuesday 26 September

emergency housing – new end to end process, drivers licence programme changes, Civil Defence payments, spring clean of tasks sitting on your dashboard, youth service application process guide, studying next year? apply for StudyLink, webinar: do we need more than Maslow’s hierarchy to advance tamariki and rangatahi wellbeing?, family violence awareness series, Breaking Silence, upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 21 September

Refreshed application process – information sheet and special drop-in session, Encouraging Temporary Additional Support (TAS) clients to get child support costs included, Email wording for reminding taiohi to enrol to vote, System upgrades this weekend for MyMSD, Upcoming drop-in sessions

Tuesday 19 September

New Zealand Chinese Language Week, Change in application process to YP, YPP and main benefit to YPP, Mental Health Awareness Week: free workshops, Wellbeing and tips for getting through stressful times, Pacific Employment Action Plan fund, Reminding taiohi that they can sign up to vote, Upcoming drop-in sessions

Thursday 14 September

5 ways to improve your mental health, deep dive into Full and Correct Entitlement (F.A.C.E), improving the experience of taiohi, system upgrades this Sunday, upcoming drop-in sessions, Ratonga Taiohi pātaitai reo Māori

Tuesday 12 September

client experience survey results, Winter Energy Payment ending 1 October, bank account evidence reminder, drop-in recap: using the pause principles, He Puaawai Teen Parent Unit video, upcoming drop-in sessions – mental wellbeing (19 Sept) and ART for Administrators (26 Sept), Ratonga Taiohi Pātaitai Reo Māori midday on Wednesday – all welcome, our mahi cards, call for taiohi research participants

Thursday 7 September

Ratonga Taiohi Pātaitai Reo Māori midday on Wednesday – all welcome, final call to promote the client experience survey, deep dive into obligation failures, we’re updating our supplier registration forms, spotlight on teen parent units, drop in recap: Limited Service Volunteer (LSV), get your ART admin up to date!, upcoming drop-in sessions,jobs for mums website

Tuesday 5 September

driver licence programme highlighting safe driving, new ‘parenting appointment’ activity on ART, recap: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder drop in, drop-in sessions this week: induction for new youth coaches (Wed) & LSV (Thurs), next week’s wellbeing drop-in with Sonja Eriksen

Thursday 31 August

Tonga Language Week next week, deep dive into TIA, drop ins next week: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (Tues) and induction for new youth coaches (Wed), digital passport, client satisfaction survey reminder

Tuesday 29 August

client satisfaction survey reminder, wellbeing drop-in recap, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) drop in, Meet the LSV team on 7 September, upcoming drop-in sessions - EH improvements drop in at 9:30am tomorrow, Youth Plan refresh webinar

Thursday 24 August 

deep dive into accommodation supplement, spotlight on Benefit Due Payment, CSPO info share update, upcoming drop-in sessions - wellbeing & EH improvements, MSD system upgrades this weekend, MYD’s updated youth engagement resources

Tuesday 22 August

Youth Service turns 11, client satisfaction survey sent today, recap of our first wellbeing drop-in for 2023, new editable PDFs available on the provider website, programme fund and PPE recap, upcoming drop-in sessions - wellbeing & EH improvements, free webinar on what would help young people who feel down (from Youth19)

Thursday 17 August

deep dive into TAS, child support pass-on and TAS, North Island Weather Events Temporary Accommodation Assistance, COVID-19 Leave Support Scheme ending, upcoming drop-in sessions - wellbeing series, emergency housing improvements drop-in

Tuesday 15 August

supporting young people to apply, child support pass-on info share recap, upcoming drop-in sessions (wellbeing series), emergency housing improvements drop-in, free mental health and addiction literacy workshops, refreshed Youth Plan launched, Ākonga Youth Development Community Fund Request for Proposals open

Thursday 10 August

parenting incentives, SPS new obligations form, upcoming drop ins – YP/YPP applications, systems upgrade impacting MyMSD on Sunday 13 August

Tuesday 8 August 

drop-in recap: supporting taiohi into employment, removal of EH obligations letter, deep dive: sharing information to protect people, upcoming drop-in session: supporting young people to apply for a benefit, youth coach wellbeing drop-in series, International Youth Day on Saturday 12 August

Thursday 3 August

budgeting incentives and FACE, tips for taiohi sitting driving tests, upcoming drop ins – employment and applications

Tuesday 1 August

Recap on FACE and supps, EH improvements, mental health services for youth in tertiary study, upcoming drop ins – induction for new youth coaches and supporting taiohi into employment, Te Wiki o te Reo Māori – call out for help with planning, election jobs to be filled

Tuesday 25 July

deep dive into transferring taiohi between providers, focus on Flexible Funding, upcoming drop-in sessions next week – FACE and induction for new youth coaches, the Prime Minister’s Oranga Tamariki Awards

Thursday 20 July

deep dive into Temporary Additional Support, supplier or payee?, upcoming drop-in session – transferring clients between providers and FACE, unteach racism resources

Tuesday 18 July

Money Management drop-in recap, International Non-Binary People's Day, upcoming drop-ins - transferring clients and FACE checks, bookmark our archive page 

Thursday 13 July

Disability Allowance, healthy homes tips for reducing moisture, upcoming drop-in session – Money Management, systems upgrade for MyMSD on 16 July 

Tuesday 11 July

Matariki resources, Full and Correct Entitlement, how we’re tracking report, recap – housing drop in, Jobs & Skills Hub website, LSV courses, upcoming drop-in session on Money Management, full schedule of drop-ins for the rest of 2023, Kiribati language week resources

Thursday 6 July

child support – updated webpage and eLearning, all about incentives – drop in recap, upcoming drop-in session – housing, Matariki Calls You Home Competition, INVOLVE conference from Ara Taiohi

Thursday 29 June

child support pass-on law changes from 1 July, application documents - reminders and tips, helping young people access banking, recap of driver licence programme drop in, the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet has launched a collection of child and youth engagement reports

Thursday 27 June

Matariki public holiday deadline, how we’re tracking data pull date, civil defence payments for Tairāwhiti/East Coast, upcoming drop ins – incentive payments & child support pass on, free hauora webinar from Community Research: Pūanga ki Matariki.

Thursday 22 June

mid-semester break reminder, FACE checks and fact sheet, recap on new Budget 2023 initiatives, upcoming drop ins – driver licence programme & child support pass on, special offer: qualification in Pacific nutrition.

Tuesday 20 June

Full and Correct Entitlement (FACE) checks, Child Support Pass On recap, Youth Service brand and logo, drop-in on driver licence programme, tell us what you think of our drop-ins.

Tuesday 13 June

Child Support Pass On - FAQ, ART recording – Needs and Activities, Upcoming drop-in sessions, IRD numbers and tax help, Tell us what you think of our drop-ins, Security upgrades for MyMSD.

Thursday 8 June 

client experience survey results, Winter Energy/Save 500 campaign, MyMSD system outage, obligations and sanctions drop-in session

Thursday 1 June

public transport discount for Community Service Card holders, how we're tracking, new sector capability funding for Māori and Pacific providers, induction for new youth coaches drop-in session

Tuesday 30 May

Child Support Pass On, Samoan Language Week, drop in session recap: notes

Thursday 25 May

50% of public transport for Community Services Card holders, housing products fact sheet, MyMSD system upgrades 

Tuesday 23 May 

Manatū Wāhine Physical Activity and Wellbeing Fund, spotlight on Transitional Housing

Thursday 18 May

Pink Shirt Day, free guide for school leavers

Tuesday 16 May

Kimi Mahi Mai - Find a Job website, spotlight on needs and activities, Whānau Āwhina Plunket Parenting Programme, Youth Week 2023 

Thursday 11 May

Pink Shirt Day 2023, Youth Week events, system upgrades

Tuesday 9 May 

Rotuman Language Week, NZSL Week, Privacy Week, one week until Youth Week, hardship assistance recap

Tuesday 2 May 

check email addresses in ART, winter energy payment starts this week, Glenview and Hamilton Central service centres closed

Thursday 27 April

suspicious/fraudulent messages, system upgrades, reminder to exit NEET clients who have aged out

Thursday 20 April 

MYD Youth plan refresh survey, system upgrades

Tuesday 18 April

Winter Energy Payment starting 1 May, Youth Service - how we're tracking, updated stationery order form, Love Better campaign

Thursday 13 April 

East Coast Civil Defence payments ending, system upgrades impacting MyMSD, OSCAR subsidy 

Thursday 6 April

GCAP reminder, remind your young people to complete the census, alerts in ART reminder

Tuesday 4 April

AGA, payment dates for Easter and Anzac, Love Better campaign, Review of Decision (ROD)

Thursday 23 February

MyMSD system upgrade, whiteware deliveries in cyclone-affected areas 

Tuesday 21 February

youth week grants open, CD payments - East Coast apply online, Civil Defence processing standards, drop-in session recap: TIA & CPA

Thursday 16 February

Youth Service operating model review, Community Support Package for those impacted by weather events, reminder to upload NZQA results, client experience survey

Tuesday 14 February

Cyclone Gabrielle update, recap: CD payments, recap: processing standards when WFH, recording driver licences in ART, NEET: referral to Youth Service

Thursday 9 February

service upgrade impacting MyMSD exit plans, drop-in sessions

Thursday 2 February 

budgeting and parenting programmes update, exit plans, drop-in sessions 

Thursday 26 January

MyMSD system upgrade, online drop-in sessions

Tuesday 24 January

housing and support provider tool, new TH consent form. EH information on Map and more