all you need to know about supporting young people receiving a benefit payment from msd
All you need to know about supporting young people receiving a benefit payment from MSD.
application process
Guidelines for young people applying for YP or YPP.
processing standards
Ensure we assess and grant the correct entitlement to the right person or household, at the right time, from the right date.
supporting yp, ypp and young partners
Overview of how you support and work with young people receiving YP, YPP or are young partners.
youth activity obligations
Information about the youth activity obligations young people need to do to get payments from us.
budgeting and parenting programmes
All you need to know about Youth Service budgeting and parenting programmes.
extra financial help
A guide to extra financial help young people may be able to get from MSD.
editable pdf application forms
We’ve made some of our applications into editable PDFs you can complete on your screen.
exiting youth service
Helping you prepare for young people exiting Youth Service.