editable pdf application forms

editable PDFs for you to complete on your screen

We’ve made some of our applications into editable PDFs you can complete on your screen. Please don't forward these forms onto our young people.

editable PDF application forms

These are some of our most used application forms and will help save you time when helping young people. If the application form you need isn’t here, you’ll need to carry on printing the standard version and complete it by hand. All other forms are on the Work and Income website.

$5k to work

Help to move to another area in New Zealand to start a new job, if the young person is on a benefit or qualifies for a benefit.

$5k to Work application - LAB1020W - OCT 2020

accommodation supplement

For young people who are already receiving a MSD benefits or payments, and wants to apply for help with accommodation costs.

Accommodation Supplement application form - S01 - FEB 2024

appoint of an agent

An agent is someone who can act for the young person when dealing with a service of the Ministry of
Social Development or their Youth Service provider.

Appointment of Agent form - V01 - DEC 2019

change of bank account

Young people can change their bank account number on MyMSD or by completing this form. Young people will need to provide proof of their new bank account details.

Change of Bank Account form - V03 - MAY 2020

childcare assistance

Note: most YPP taiohi should complete the GCAP application form

Childcare subsidy (for pre-school childcare) or the OSCAR subsidy (for before or after school care).

Childcare Assistance application - S02 - JUL 2023

Childcare Assistance - Change of Circumstances - R24 - JUL 2023

child disability allowance

Payment if the young person is caring for a child with a serious health condition.

Child Disability Allowance application - M08 - MAY 2022

child inclusion

Tell us if a child has come into the care of a young person while they're getting a payment from us.

Child Inclusion form - R30 - APR 2020

child support

If the young person is applying for a sole parent benefit, they must complete this form for them to apply for child support.

Child support form - IR 101T - SEP 2020

Civil Defence payments to Evacuees

To meet the immediate needs of people who are resident in an 
area where a civil defence emergency has been declared and are required to leave their home.

Civil Defence Payments to Evacuees application - CD2W - FEB 2023

course participation assistance

Pay for costs the young person has because they're attending a short-term employment related course or programme.

Course Participation Assistance form - LAB300 - JUL 2020

disability allowance

If a young person has a disability, likely to continue for at least six months, they may be able to get extra help through a Disability Allowance.

Disability Allowance application - S03 - JUL 2023

emergency housing special needs grant

If young people have nowhere to stay tonight or in the next seven nights, and have no other adequate housing options, we may be able to help with the cost of emergency housing, such as a  motel or hostel.

Emergency Housing Special Needs Grant form - SHA011W - DEC 2020

employment and earnings

To be completed by the young person's employer as verification of income, if we've asked the young person to do this as part of an application.

Employment and earnings - information for applications form - OCT 2021

extra help

If young people are finding it tough to meet everyday expenses and they don’t already get payments from MSD, they may be able to get extra help. This form contains applications for three types of assistance ASUP, DA and TAS.

Extra Help application - M43 - JUL 2023

extraordinary care fund

If the young person is receiving an Orphan's or Unsupported Child's Benefit for a child in their care, they can apply to the Extraordinary Care Fund for a grant of between $100 and $2,000 each financial year (1 July - 30 June).

Extraordinary Care Fund Grant application - S54W - JAN 2024

funeral grant

A Funeral Grant may help with some of the funeral costs for a person who has died.

Funeral Grant application S04 - JUL 2023

guaranteed childcare assistance payment

Apply for help with the cost of childcare for children under 5, while the young parent is in education, training or work-based learning.

Please note: editable PDF unavailable at this time. This is a print version.

Guaranteed Childcare Assistance Payment application - SEP 2023

including a partner

If a partner of a Youth Service taiohi is getting a benefit from Work and Income, the young partner will need to be included in their benefit and may receive payments as well.

Including a partner form - R31 - JUL 2023

jobseeker support obligations

Jobseeker Support is about helping clients into full-time work and supporting you with a weekly payment while they’re not working.

Note: an editable form is not yet available. This is a print form. 

Jobseeker Support obligations - M111 - Obs - JUL 2023

limited service volunteer

Young people to complete this form if they want to apply to go on the Limited Service Volunteer (LSV) programme.

Limited Service Volunteer application link

orphan’s/unsupported child’s benefit

If a young person is raising someone else’s child, we may be able to help by meeting some of the costs involved.

Orphan’s Benefit is for people looking after someone else’s child because their parents have died or can’t be found, or when they can’t look after their child because the parent has a long-term illness.

Unsupported Child’s Benefit is for people looking after someone else’s child because the child’s parents can’t support them due to a family breakdown.

Orphan’s/Unsupported Child’s Benefit application form - M14 - JUL 2021

parent’s income verification form

YPP clients still living at home need their parents or caregivers to complete the parent’s income verification form.

Please note: editable PDF unavailable at this time. This is a print version.

Parent’s income verification form - JUL 2023

redirection of benefit payment

A redirection of benefit payment is where part or all of your benefit is paid to another person or organisation by the Ministry of Social Development.

Redirection of payment to payee form - V19 - JUL 2023

retailer/supplier/payee details

A retailer, supplier or payee expecting to receive money from the Ministry of Social Development that relates to a client, will need to complete this form.

Work and Income Supplier Registration online Form 

Retailer/Supplier/Payee Details form - ISS22W - SEP 2023 (print verion)

review of decision

If MSD has made a decision the young person doesn't agree with, they can use this form to ask for a formal Review of Decision.

Review of Decision - R10 - DEC 2022

sole parent support obligations

Sole Parent Support is a weekly payment that helps single parents find part-time work or get ready for further work.

Please note: editable PDF unavailable at this time. This is a print version.

Sole Parent Support obligations - M112 - Obs - JUL 2023

temporary additional support

Temporary Additional Support helps with essential costs for a short time when then young person has tried everything they an think of, and still cannot pay for them.

Temporary Additional Support application form - S26 - AUG 2023

tenancy costs cover

This Confirmation of application and acceptance of terms of the Tenancy Costs Cover sets out the
conditions of the grant.

Tenancy Costs Cover - SHA107W - MAR 2023

training incentive allowance

Training Incentive Allowance is extra money to help pay for costs while young parents are studying. It can help with things like fees, books, equipment, travel, childcare and care of other people.

Training Incentive Allowance application - S12 - JUL 2021

transition to work grant

Apply for help with the cost of looking for, or moving into, work.

Transition to Work Grant applicant form - LAB995W - JUL 2023

transitional housing consent form

Consent to share some information we hold about you with transitional housing providers and Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga – Ministry of Housing and Urban Development.

Please note: editable PDF unavailable at this time. This is a print version.

Transitional Housing Consent form – SHA122W - DEC 2022

young parent payment

Young Parent Payment is for young parents aged 16 to 19 who have dependent children, and are in need of financial assistance.

Young Parent Payment application - YS011W - AUG 2023

Young Parent Payment obligations - YS011W - JUL 2023*

Young Parent Payment partner application - YS012W - JUL 2023

Young Parent Payment partner obligations - YS012W - JUL 2023*


*Please note: editable PDF unavailable at this time. This is a print version.

youth payment

Youth Payment is for young people aged 16 or 17 who don’t have dependent children, and are in need of financial assistance.

Youth Payment application - YS009W - JUL 2023

Youth Payment obligations - YS009W - JUL 2023*

Youth Payment partner application - YS010W - JUL 2023

Youth Payment partner obligations - YS010W - JUL 2023*


Please note: editable PDF unavailable at this time. This is a print version.

youth service continue or stop payments form

This form should be used when:

  • Youth Service clients with no children are turning 18, or
  • Youth Service clients with children are turning 20.

Youth Service Continue or stop payments form YS014W - DEC 2019

youth payment and young parent payment information handover

This form collects information you hold on the young person that will help their Work and Income case manager and enable the young person to continue on their journey to independence.

Youth Payment and Young Parent Payment information handover form - YS018W - NOV 2014

youth service payment card balance transfer

Young people to apply for a balance transfer if they want to use your Youth Service Payment Card to buy from somewhere that doesn't accept the Youth Service payment card.

Please note: editable PDF unavailable at this time. This is a print version.

Youth Service payment card balance transfer application - YS019W - JAN 2015