art tasks for exits
commonly used art tasks for exits
commonly used art tasks
The commonly used ART tasks for stopping or continuing payments or exiting Youth Service are:
- start or stop payments
- age out of Youth Service
- YP/YPP Transition to a Main Benefit
- request exit
Mandatory questions
Some questions in the ART task are mandatory. These questions are marked with a red asterisk. You will need to complete these questions before the ART task can be sent to YSSU for processing.
Confirming payment card transfer
If the young person has money left on their payment card and they have confirmed to withdraw the balance and transfer this into their bank account, you must ensure the young person is aware of the payment card transfer process before confirming this in the ART task.
Incomplete actions and forms
Incomplete actions and forms do not prevent the ART task from being processed. You must ensure that all actions and forms are completed in full as there may be additional queries from YSSU that will cause delays in processing the task.
Notifying the young person
You should monitor your notifications on your dashboard. Once you receive notification from YSSU, notify the young person of the outcome.
start or stop payments task
The Start or Stop payments task is used for stopping, starting or cancelling payments. You should use this task for:
- opting out of money management
- suspending or resuming payments
- cancelling payments due to full-time work
Suspending or resuming payments
To ensure the young person's payments are assessed correctly, you must provide:
- clear notes of the reason, including the date of change
- a personal details form from the young person outlining their situation and the date their circumstances changed
- (if resuming) verification confirming date of change, i.e. a letter from their employer confirming last date of employment
- any additional information or supporting documentation, e.g. final payslip
Cancelling payments due to full-time work
Here are a list of things you need to capture and provide to YSSU for processing:
- Date the young person started work
- Is it casual, part-time or full?
- Is it permanent or fixed term?
- Employer name and address
- Whether an application for Transition to Work grant (TTW) has been tasked through or whether the offer was declined by the young person
- A personal details form from the young person outlining their situation and the date their circumstances changed
- Any additional information or supporting documentation, e.g. employment agreement or employment letter (on employer letterhead)
The young person must complete the Youth Service Continue or stop payments form.
age out of youth service task
This task is used for resuming payments if the young person has:
- aged out of youth service
- completed receiving payments for a minimum of six months
- still (and remains) in education, training or work-based learning
- chosen to continue in youth service
The young person must complete the Youth Service Continue or stop payments form and (where appropriate) provide additional information and supporting documents to continue their payments.
yp/pp transition to a main benefit task
This task is used for transitioning a young person over to a Work and Income main benefit.
you will need to:
- explain the new benefit obligations to the young person
- have them sign the new benefit obligations form
- assist the young person in completing the Youth Service Continue or stop payments form
- where applicable, assist partners in completing these forms
- complete the YP/YPP Information handover form
Youth Payment and Young Parent Payment information handover form
This form collects information you hold on the young person and is passed over to Work and Income. The young person must be given a copy of this form and advised that the information on the form will help Work and Income deliver the right assistance to them and continue the ongoing support when they transition over.
request exit
Request Exit is used when all exit actions have been completed. YSSU will process all open tasks and advise you of any incomplete actions before approving the request.
Once approved, the young person will be exited from youth service.