transfer to a working age benefit

young people moving from youth service support to work and income

Young person, Youth Coach and Work and Income case manager will meet to discuss the appropriate support for when the young person transfers from Youth Service to Work and Income. This will occur prior to the young person exiting Youth Service.

working age benefits

There are two types of working age benefit that a young person may qualify for when transferring to a Work and Income.  These are:

  • Jobseeker Support - Jobseeker Support is a weekly payment that helps people while they are looking for work or can't work right now.
  • Sole Parent Support - Sole Parent Support is a weekly payment that helps single parents find part-time work or get ready for future work.

You can determine the type of benefit they may qualify for if you know what their circumstances are leading up to the end of the journey in youth service.

Exit planning

It's important you update the Exit Youth Service plan during your engagements with the young person so that you know what type of benefit to apply for when it's time for them to transition over to Work and Income.

It will also prepare you for any significant changes in circumstances in case the young person isn't able to transition over to Work and Income through this process.

when can a young person transfer to a working age benefit

Young people whose payments have stopped due to:

age out of youth service notifications

Four weeks prior to the date the young person ages out of Youth Service, they will receive an SMS text message or letter to contact their Youth Coach.

The young person’s Youth Coach will also receive a notification about their payments stopping.  The Youth Coach will need to arrange a meeting with the young person to discuss next steps and complete the Exit Youth Service plan.

If the young person needs to transfer from Youth Service to Work and Income, they will need to complete the Continue or Stop payments form and the YP/YPP Information handover form.

The Youth Coach must explain the new benefit obligations to the young person.

roles and responsibilities


Young person, Youth Coach and Work and Income case manager will meet to discuss the appropriate support for when the young person transfers from Youth Service to Work and Income. This will occur prior to the young person exiting Youth Service.

Youth Service provider

The youth coach will receive a notification that the young person’s payments are about to stop and will need to arrange a meeting with the young person to discuss transferring from Youth Service to Work and Income.

 Youth Service provider:

  • meet with the young person to discuss options: Jobseeker Support or Sole Parent Support
  • check that the Continue or Stop payments application form has been completed in full
  • complete the YP/YPP information handover form
  • explain the new benefit obligations to the young person
  • scan and save supporting documents including:
    • Continue or stop payments application form,
    • YP/YPP information handover form
    • Jobseeker Support or Sole Parent Support obligations, and
    • any other supporting documents in ART as per normal process.
  • complete the ART note template
  • send the task to YSSU requesting a transfer from Youth Service to Work and Income
  • give the young person the pamphlet relevant to their new benefit type
  • contact the Manager Client Service Delivery or Manager Client Service Operations at the local Work and Income office to arrange a meeting to discuss transferring the young person to Work and Income case management
  • complete the ‘Exit Youth Service plan’
  • close all activities in ART and send a request to exit task.

Youth Service Support Unit

Youth Service Support Unit (YSSU) will process all transfers from Youth Service to Work and Income when received from a Youth Service provider.


  • check Continue or stop payments application has been completed in full
  • review all supporting documents and statements from the young person
  • confirm correct benefit for the young person
  • delete the provider details Must View Note and/or Special Caution notes
  • upload the Youth Coach Report to the client’s engagement log – Contracted Service Update
  • complete CMS
  • complete SWIFTT actions to transfer the young person to the relevant main benefit
  • issue letter from LSUM
  • check that all activities have been closed in ART
  • transfer the young person to their new Work and Income office in SWIFTT
  • complete the ART task confirm with the Youth Service provider of the young persons Work and Income office.
  • exit the young person from the service in ART

Work and Income Service Centre

When the young person ages out of Youth Service, your local Youth Service provider will arrange a meeting, prior to the young person exiting Youth Service, to discuss the young person’s youth service plan and the type of case management service they’ll receive while on a working age benefit.

NOTE: If the young person approaches a Work and Income independently, it is expected that the service centre will process the transition to a main benefit and arrange a meeting with the young person’s Youth Coach to discuss case management service while receiving a working age benefit.

Work and Income

  • will have a dedicated point-in-contact who will hold a working relationship with their local Youth Service provider.
  • will meet with the young person and their Youth Coach to discuss their exit Youth Service plan and the YP/YPP information handover document.
  • will work together to decide the appropriate case management service for the young person.

process pathway – transfer to work and income

When a young person transfers from Youth Service to Work and Income - all parties need to work together to ensure a smooth transition 

Before contacting the young person

Before a Youth Coach contacts a young person, they should:

  • update the young person's ART record
  • update and result their activities
  • follow up on incomplete actions, e.g., incentive payments
  • use the exit reminders for a list of things they need to do or complete.

Meeting the young person

There are things that need to be done or actions to be completed by the Youth Coach and the young person.

Completing forms

When a young person transfers to a working age benefit, the Youth Coach will need to complete the following documents:

  • YP/YPP information handover form
  • Jobseeker Support or Sole Parent Support obligations

Things a Youth Coach should note when completing forms:

  • has the young person’s address details changed?
  • has the young person been working?
  • is the young person in a relationship?
  • has a new child come into the young person’s care?
  • does the young person wish to continue their redirections?
  • does the young person want their payment card balance withdrawn and paid directly into their bank account?
  • have the forms been signed, dated, and completed in full?

Notifying YSSU

Once all forms have been completed (and supporting documents have been gathered), the Youth Coach will need to:

  • scan, link and add them to the YP/YPP Transition to a Main Benefit ART task
  • complete the task questions
  • submit the task through to YSSU for processing

Once the Youth Coach has submitted the ART task to YSSU, the Youth Coach will contact the Manager Client Service Delivery or Manager Client Service Operations at the local Work and Income service centre.

NOTE: If the Youth Service provider covers multiple Service Centres, the Youth Coach will phone YSSU to confirm the young person’s new Work and Income site.

Work and Income

During the transfer to a working age benefit process, the Youth Coach will contact the Manager Client Service Delivery or Manager Client Service Operations at the local Work and Income service centre.

This Manager Client Service Delivery or Manager Client Service Operations will hold a working relationship with their Youth Service provider and arrange a time and date for the young person, Youth Coach and a case manager to discuss the following points:

  • Youth Payment / Young Parent Payment handover form
  • Youth Service Exit Plan
  • Any other relevant information to support Work and Income case manage the young person (i.e. risks, behaviours etc.)

After this meeting, the Work and Income case manager will decide the appropriate services to offer the young person. An integrated or employment case manager will be assigned to the young person to provide continued support as needed.

learning module

Make sure you check out the transfer from youth service to work and income e-learning module

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