supporting a client to be work ready

for some of our young people obtaining employment will be the most appropriate option.

this includes work-readiness activities and delivery of in-work support (pastoral care) by providers.

When a young person has had their consultation with you, and it is decided that employment is the best pathway, you will need to support the young person to undertake activities that will help them obtain a job.  This may include but not limited to:

  • CV and cover letter writing
  • interview skills – This may include practices together and ‘mock’ interviews
  • obtaining a driver licence or special licence (i.e. Forklift)
  • support with creating a budget and linking to budgeting services if required
  • obtaining the right equipment for a role (work boots, tools)


As part of the Youth Service Plan that will include work readiness activities, you should discuss barriers or issues that may need addressing which may include, but is not limited to:

  • identifying supports required to assist the young person in finding a job and keeping it
  • encouraging self-initiated young people to understand work environment and expectations
  • identify other social needs such as housing, health, counselling, etc
  • prepare them for the future of work.

You will need to canvas possible employment opportunities with the young person. You will need to have a good understanding of your local labour market and assist them to reduce current barriers to employment and improve their work readiness.


Understanding the current skills these young people have on offer and the types of roles and industries they can be transferred to, will guide the types of opportunities that are required to be sourced in order to give these young people the best chance of securing a job.


To support your clients with costs associated with Education and training consider using the Programme fund (programme fund | Youth Service providers)