in-work support

in-work support is delivered by the youth coach and will include a mix of face-to-face and phone contact.

once a NEET young person secures employment, defined as 30 hours per week (no defined end date), they will be eligible for in-work support for up to six months.

This approach should be tailored to the needs of the individual; however, research indicates that more intensive support is optimal in the first three months of placement in work to troubleshoot any issues with the employer and/or employee that may occur as they transition into work.

It is important to have an engagement log plan for the young person and employer.

Below is an example:

in-work support - young person

prior to start face to face
After first week


After second week


After third week

Phone or text

After week six

Phone or text

After week ten

Phone or text

After week Thirty

Phone or text

post placement support - employer

weeks method of contact
After first week

Preferred contact

After second week

Preferred contact

After week six

Preferred contact

After week twelve

Preferred contact

below is the process for when a young person agrees to in-work support:

stage steps
stage one: youth service provider offers in-work support service

youth service provider updates young person’s youth service plan with details of agreed next steps as part of in-work support

  1. client offered in-work support for up to six months
  2. accepts and support is outlined with agreed frequency
  3. agreement to engage in-work support is documented, and young person is willing to engage in service
  4. in-work support continues between youth coach/employee and employer
stage two: NEET client remains in employment at three-month and six-month intervals

youth service provider documents engagement with NEET client

  1. uploads engagement log as task as per the contract at set intervals – see above
  2. end of six months – process ends