contacting and meeting the young person

make contact with the young person before they leave your service

You need to be in regular contact with the young person to ensure they transition smoothly from Youth Service.

contacting the young person

Young people can become transient, uncontactable or hard to reach as they near the end of their journey in Youth Service. 

Early intervention is key. Contacting the young person now ensures that you're prepared for any change in circumstances or unexpected exits.

before contacting the young person

You should:

  • update the young person's ART record
  • update and result their activities
  • follow up on incomplete actions, e.g. incentive payments
  • use the exit reminders for a list of things you need to do or complete.

successful contact

You should:

meeting the young person

There are things that need to be done or actions to be completed by you and the young person.

Exit reminders

Use the exit reminders to guide you through the exit process.

Completing forms

The most commonly used form for stopping, starting, continuing, cancelling payments or exiting youth service is the Youth Service Continue or stop payments form. This form should be used to stop payments if the young person no longer needs it or qualifies for it.

It can also be used to continue payments when the young person's payments stop and they've chosen to remain in Youth Service because they're still (and remain) in education, training or work-based learning.

Things you should note when completing forms:

  • has the young person’s address details changed?
  • has the young person been working?
  • is the young person continuing study?
  • is the young person in a relationship?
  • has a new child come into the young person’s care?
  • does the young person wish to continue their redirections?
  • does the young person want their payment card balance withdrawn and paid directly into their bank account?
  • have the forms been signed, dated and completed in full?

You will need to use your knowledge and resources to determine the best approach to supporting the young person through their exit, e.g. supporting a single young parent who has now indicated they have reconciled with their partner.

other forms, additional information and supporting documentation

Some processes will require additional forms to be completed by you and the young person.  Where applicable, the young person should also provide as much information as possible as well as provide any supporting documentation to support their exit.

Examples of supporting documents can be (but not limited to):

  • verification of accommodation costs (if this has changed)
  • baby's birth certificate (a new baby has come into care)
  • a letter from the young person outlining their situation.

notifying yssu

Once all forms have been completed (and supporting documents have been gathered), you will need to:

  • scan, link or add them to one of the commonly used ART task
  • complete the task questions
  • submit the task through to YSSU for processing
  • update and result activities
  • follow up on incomplete actions, e.g. incentive payments
  • request exit when all actions have been completed.

The most commonly used ART tasks for continuing or stopping payments or exiting Youth Service are:

  • start or stop payments
  • age out of Youth Service
  • YP/YPP Transition to a Main Benefit
  • request exit.

notifying the young person

You should monitor your notifications on your dashboard.  Once you receive notification from YSSU, notify the young person of the outcome.

more on this topic