scanning and recording

Scanning documentation and recording information onto a young person's ART profile is an important way to understand the young person’s circumstances and previous decisions made by the Ministry. We are responsible for creating and maintaining full and accurate information. 

scanning documentation

Documentation should be scanned and saved as soon as possible (within 24 hours of receipt) onto a young person's and/or partner’s ART profile. If you can’t do this, the form should be date stamped on the day it is received.


what to scan and save

  • Documentation relating directly to the young person that you are satisfied are complete and authentic.
  • Identification.
  • Any Ministry forms, including medical certificates.
  • Supporting documentation (eg evidence of home ownership or disability-related costs).

Documentation in ART must be linked to the relevant ART task.

You can find more information on digitisation and managing young people's information on the following links:

deciding if a document is complete and authentic

When deciding if a document is complete and authentic, make sure:

  • the document is unaltered
  • there’s no missing information or pages
  • there’s no unusual wear and tear
  • the text is readable
  • where applicable, any registration number or unique identifier is present.

For more information on identity documentation for NZ citizens, please see the DIA – document verification guide.

what not to scan

  • Direct Credit forms
  • Quotes and receipts
  • Community Services Cards
  • Bank cards
  • Incomplete documents (eg missing pages).

This isn’t an exhaustive list.

Sight and record all evidence used to determine eligibility.

recording information

You should record:

  • information about an engagement with a young person, including:
    • all evidence sighted (include details of the document such as date of issue, supplier details listed and amount, date costs started or changed)
    • information confirmed verbally (make sure you add important details like the date something started or changed)
  • any transactions processed
  • all details relating to one event in the same activity or task.

Good quality notes should be easy for someone else to understand and detailed enough so that they can aid future decision making, or allow someone else to help the young person if you are not available. Notes form part of a young person's file and are discoverable by them under the Privacy Act 2020. They must be factual and should not include conjecture or inappropriate language. Use note templates where applicable.


All information created or received by staff in the course of their work for the Ministry is a public record under the Public Records Act 2005.

Privacy Act 2020 No 31 (as at 06 December 2023), Public Act 22 Information privacy principles – New Zealand Legislation