extra help (supplementaries) evidence

Learn about the evidence requirements for AS, TAS, DA and TIA

Evidence of costs is used to test if (and how much) a young person applying for or receiving supplementary assistance is eligible for.

Evidence ensures we are paying young people their full and correct entitlement. Evidence is not always required for some costs.


Evidence ensures we are paying our young people their full and correct entitlement. Evidence is not always required for some costs.

Evidence of costs for all supplementary assistance must show:

  • the name of the person who has the cost (if required) and
  • what the cost is, and
  • the frequency of the cost (if required).

accommodation supplement (as)

When evidence is required

Evidence of home owner costs is required when a young person is applying for Accommodation Supplement or has a new or increase in the cost.

For taiohi who own their home

Examples of acceptable evidence of home ownerships costs are:

  • a mortgage contract and confirmation of the current minimum repayment required
  • the latest house insurance bill or papers (excluding contents)
  • the latest rates notice and Regional Council rates, if applicable
  • receipts of essential repairs and maintenance carried out on their home in the past 12 months
  • body corporate fees account.

For taiohi who board or rent

Evidence of rent and board costs is not always required. Evidence is required when:

  • the costs seem unreasonable
  • the costs could not reasonably be paid on their current income, or
  • if the rent includes service costs.

If you are unsure or have doubts about rent and board costs, you can use online websites (such as rental property websites) as a resource, to verify the cost yourself. If the young person gives permission, you can also confirm their accommodation costs with their landlord, property manager or the person the young person boards with.

If you are unable to verify the cost yourself then you can request evidence from the young person.

Examples of acceptable evidence of rent and board costs are a:

  • tenancy agreement
  • letter from the landlord
  • letter from the person charging the young person board
  • water rates statement (water rates only).

For more information please see: Accommodation costs.

temporary additional support (tas)

When evidence is required

Evidence of allowable costs other than those already verified for Accommodation Supplement or Disability Allowance, is required when a young person is applying for Temporary Additional Support or has a new or increase in the cost.

If accommodation costs have not already been verified for Accommodation Supplement, evidence is required to support the TAS application.

Acceptable evidence of costs

Examples of acceptable evidence of allowable costs are:

  • a copy of any essential credit sales agreements (Hire Purchases)
  • confirmation of minimum payments for any essential credit sales
  • purchase agreement of a vehicle
  • proof of any child support costs.

For the purposes of specific employment-related costs, you can use online websites to source the evidence yourself.

Vehicle running costs – for employment

Calculate the young person's travel using the young person,s home address and work address to be able to determine how far they travel (in kilometres) using an online resource such as Google Maps. 

To check the cc rating of a vehicle you can ask the young person for their licence plate or check the young person's ART profile to see if we already hold this information and enter this into www.carjam.co.nz.

Public transport to work

Check what kind of transport they take and the route (including where they start and finish the journey). For example, the train station name. You can use websites such as www.metlink.org.nz or www.at.govt.nz to check the cost of the journey. These include cash prices versus card prices.

disability allowance (da)

When evidence is required

Evidence of disability costs is always required when a young person is applying for Disability Allowance or has a new or increase in cost.

Acceptable evidence of costs

Example of acceptable evidence of allowable costs are:

  • receipts for expenses
  • invoices
  • quotes.

As well as evidence of costs you must ensure that the following information is provided:

  • all costs that are included in the assessment must be listed on the application
  • a certificate from a health practitioner to verify the young persons’ need to incur additional costs because of a disability
  • a Disability Allowance – Counselling form (if appropriate), and
  • a Disability Allowance – Medical Alarm Assessment form (if appropriate).

You must leave a note on the young person's ART profile, linking to the appropriate Disability Allowance action, itemising the costs and frequency of these costs.

Receipts or evidence of doctor/specialist visits are not required when the doctor has signed the medical certificate verifying the type of consultation, cost and frequency.

training incentive allowance (tia)

Training Incentive Allowance (TIA) provides extra help to sole parents receiving Young Parent Payment to undertake training that will increase their skills and opportunities for employment.

It helps with the upfront and ongoing costs associated with study (such as tuition fees, laptops, wifi, transport and care costs).

You'll need to gather proof of any costs the young person wants covered under TIA.

This can be things like:

  • receipts
  • quotes, or
  • a letter from the provider.

subsequent applications for extra help

When a young person submits a subsequent application for Extra Help and has the same costs, you can accept costs that are already held on the young persons ART profile.

Some accommodation costs generally have annual increases. You must ensure you have a conversation with the young person to confirm if these costs have changed or not and record this on the young persons ART profile.

ways we can accept cost evidence


  • Email – you must copy the full email including the sender, receiver, date and time details, onto the young person's ART profile.

Face to face

  • Youth Service provider
  • Provide evidence at local Work and Income office (provided at reception or at an appointment).

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