bank account

Bank account evidence ensures the young person's payments are going into the correct bank account. It also reduces the risk of errors and fraud.

when evidence is required

Bank account evidence is required when a young person or their agent chooses to use a bank account that we don’t already hold in our system. This means:

  • there’s no bank account evidence recorded, and
  • we’ve not made any payments to this account for them before.

If the bank account has a different suffix to an account we hold in our system then no evidence is required.

If you have concerns about the changes being made by a young person, you must have them complete a Change of Bank Account form and provide evidence of the bank account.

acceptable bank account evidence

Bank account evidence must show the:

  • bank logo
  • bank account number (does not have to show suffix),and
  • account name(s).

Examples of acceptable evidence for bank accounts are:

  • a bank statement
  • a bank print-out stamped by the bank
  • a letter from the bank
  • an ATM print-out
  • an internet banking print-out displaying the web address
  • an Image of online banking (screenshot or photo).

Young people may also choose to complete a Change of Bank Account form to record the request to change their bank account number.

business and trust bank accounts

Young people may request their payments to be made into their business or trust account.

In these cases, providing the account name contains the young person's name, we can accept the bank account (with evidence if required).

You must discuss the possibility of other shareholders having access to this bank account, and if using the business or trust account is the right choice for them.

You must leave a note on the young persons’ ART profile detailing your conversation with the young person.

ways we can accept bank account evidence


  • Email – you must copy the full email, including the sender, receiver, date and time details, onto the young persons’ ART profile.

Face to face

  • Youth Service provider
  • Provide evidence at local Work and Income office (provided at reception or at an appointment).
  • Appointment – you sight evidence if the young person logs into their online banking and shows you the information required, and record this on the young persons’ ART profile. NOTE: This is a last resort. Your notes must reflect to why the young person cannot provide evidence of their bank account. 


Beneficiary must hold and give MSD details of bank account section 111 Social Security Act 2018.

more on this topic