accepting forms

Forms are used to make sure a young person is eligible for financial assistance and to process their requests. They verify the information the young person has provided and record what the young person has agreed to. It’s important that all forms are completed and correct.

what is needed

When accepting a form, make sure:

  • all questions are answered using a pen or typed to create a permanent record
  • it is signed and dated (for paper forms)
  • any obligations have been agreed to and accepted (for online applications)
  • all necessary documents required for evidence are provided or have been requested
  • the office copy of the young persons’ and partner’s (if any) obligations and privacy statement, signature, and helper’s statement (if any) remain with the application form.

When forms are completed online, you only need to print the obligations form for the young person to sign if they haven’t agreed to or accepted these online.

When using these forms, you must ensure you:

  • are satisfied it is for the right young person (eg they have been successfully identified over the phone)
  • advise the young person of their obligations (if any), ensuring they understand and agree to them and record this in the young person's ART profile
  • provide the young person with a copy/summary of the completed form by post or email and ask them to check the information and let us know if anything is incorrect
  • save the form onto the young person’s ART profile.

Note: Do not send blank editable PDF forms to young people (only completed non-editable versions). Editable pdfs are only to be completed by youth coaches on behalf of a young person. If the young person would like a form to complete, they should be directed to the Work and Income website where forms can be downloaded, or to visit any Work and Income office.

incomplete or altered forms

If a form is incomplete or altered, you must:

  1. contact the young person as soon as possible 
  2. determine if it’s reasonable for the young person to complete the form (refer to guidelines for applying discretion)
  3. possible, ensure that the young person:
    • corrects any errors
    • initials any changes that are critical to an entitlement
  4. add notes to the young persons’ ART profile to record any follow up actions 
  5. save any altered or completed forms to the young person’s ART profile.

applying discretion

You can apply discretion to accept a form which is incomplete or has been altered if:

  • the information is not critical for correct entitlement 
  • we already hold the information in our systems 
  • you can confirm the information with the young person.

If you accept an incomplete or altered form, record your decision and the information in the young person’s ART profile.

more on this topic