performance standards

outcomes for youth service

The aim of Youth Service is to engage and support young people in achieving improved well-being through sustained education, training, work-based learning, or employment outcomes.

This will contribute to their achieving long-term economic independence and reduce the risk of long-term benefit dependency for this group.

outcomes for youth service

Young people who are part of Youth Service will be expected to:

  • be engaged or remain in education, training or work-based learning 
  • have obtained or be working toward at least NCEA level 2 or equivalent
  • have an achievable plan for employment, further education or training on exiting the Service
  • not be in receipt of a main Work and Income benefit (excluding Jobseeker Support Student Hardship, Youth Payment and Young Parent Payment) on leaving Youth Service
  • have their wellbeing improved
  • feel supported towards achieving their aspirations 
  • have a positive experience with Youth Service

These are measured by the following performance standards:

  • In Full-time Education, Training or Work Based Learning (excluding exempt taiohi) (55%+)
  • Achieved NCEA qualification (55%+)
  • Not on benefit 3 months after exit (55%+)
  • Enrolled and engaged (85%+)
  • Youth Satisfaction levels (85%+)

in full-time education, training or work based learning (excluding exempt taiohi)

After a discussion with the young person, the youth coach will need to determine the most appropriate education, training, or work-based learning activity for the young person to undertake. 

To decide what activities are most appropriate, the Youth Coach should consider:

  • the young person's circumstances
  • whether the activity is suitable for the young person
  • other information already held about the young person
  • information provided by an independent assessment provider
  • the young person's overall future goals and needs.

A young person must undertake education, training or work-based learning to receive Youth Payment, Young Parent Payment or a working-age benefit unless they qualify for an exemption

If a young person has an exemption, they will not be recorded against the In Full-time Education/Training or Work Based Learning (excluding exempt taiohi) performance measure.


If education isn't the most appropriate option for the young person, the youth coach will consider employment opportunities.

The employment opportunities should be 30 hours or more a week and not below minimum wage.

Note: If the young person is employed full-time, they will not be included in this performance measure.

How is it calculated?

Once the young person is enrolled and has started full-time education, training or work-based learning, the youth coach will need to update the young person’s education activity in ART.

Once the youth coach has updated the young person’s education activity, the education ‘Milestone’ line will turn green.

NOTE: This line will be grey if the young person has an exemption or deferral.

If the young person has an exemption or deferral, the Youth Coach does not need to create an education activity.

Re-confirm full-time education, training or work-based learning

Once the Youth Coach confirms that the young person has started their education, training, or work-based learning activity, they’ll have to reconfirm that the young person is still participating in this activity every 90 days.

NOTE: If the young person exits your service and then re-enrols, the 90-day period continues; i.e., the counter doesn’t start back at 0 on re-enrolment.

Education milestone 90-day notification

If the youth coach hasn’t confirmed the education milestone within the 90-day period, you’ll receive a message on your dashboard 10 days before the 90-day cutoff. 

You will need to reconfirm that the young person is still participating in education, training or work-based learning. 

NOTE: The performance standard is the lower percentage out of the 30 days or the 90 days contact.

achieved ncea qualification

Young people receiving will need to be in full-time education, training, or work-based learning working towards an NCEA or an equivalent or higher qualification.

An equivalent qualification to NCEA would be any qualification on the New Zealand Qualification Framework.

How is it calculated?

This is measured for exits during the period. It is calculated as the percentage of exited young people that have achieved NCEA Level 1 or higher before the ‘To date’ or their latest exit date.

Young people are only included in the calculation if an initial plan was completed (because qualifications don’t need to be confirmed until after an initial plan is completed).

Acceptable evidence of achieving NCEA or equivalent qualification

To confirm a young person has achieved this, you must upload the following to ART:

  • a Record of Achievement from NZQA, or
  • a letter or email from the education provider confirming that the young person has met the requirements for gaining NCEA or an equivalent qualification.

Letter or email from the Education Provider

The letter or email from the education provider must:

  • be on the education provider's letterhead or show the full email address of the education provider
  • include the young person's full name
  • specify the qualification achieved
  • provide the date the qualification was achieved
  • be signed by the education provider.

not on benefit 3 months after exit

Not on benefit 3 months after exit is when a young person:

  1. has had their Youth Payment,  Young Parent Payment,  Young Partners or Young Parent Partners benefit cancelled, and 
  2. within three months:
    • has not been granted a main benefit (excluding Jobseeker Support Student Hardship Youth Payment and Young Parent Payment); and
    • has not served a custodial sentence; or
    • is not deceased; or
    • has not permanently left the country.

How is it calculated?

This is measured for all exits during the three-month period. Enrolment records where the enrolment starts and ends on the same day have been excluded. Where a young person has more than one enrolment in the period, the latest record is retained. 

This information is recorded by the Ministry of Social Development’s IAP Data Warehouse and prepared by the Information Development Team, Information Analysis & Monitoring Unit for Youth Service.

To request your results, contact the National Youth Service team:


This is measured for exits during the period. It is calculated as the percentage of young people not receiving a benefit 90 days after:

  • service exit date (i.e., enrol end date) if there is an exit before or at age 18, or
  • 31 December if the young person remains in the service after they turn 18. 

When the young persons and date of birth in ART and the MSD systems differ, the date when the young person turns 18 is calculated using the date of birth recorded in ART.

If a young person has more than one 'exit' event in the latest exit is used. Enrolment records where the enrolment starts and ends on the same day have been excluded. It is not necessary for NEET to have an MSD client number, so data matching between ART and SWIFTT is done through MSD client number match (if a young person has an MSD client number) or Name and date of birth match.

This data matching works only on exact matches. Errors may occur when there are name or date of birth variations between the two systems. 

enrolled and engaged

The Youth Coach must meet regularly with the young person. This includes:

  • contacting them at least once every 30 days, and
  • meeting them face-to-face once every 90 days to review their Youth Service Plan, assist the young person to meet their obligations and stay on track to achieve the outcomes committed to in their Youth Service plan.

NOTE: Contact is a two-way conversation and requires proactive conversations between the youth coach and the young person.

All 90-day reviews of the Youth Service Plan must be signed by the young person as confirmation that the review was completed with them.

How is it calculated?

30 days

It is calculated as the percentage of young people that have had a contact noted or a Youth Service plan completed or reviewed during the 30 days before the ‘To date’. 

Young people are only included in the calculation if they:

  • were enrolled at least 30 days before the ‘To date’ (because otherwise, contact wasn’t due during that period), and
  • were still enrolled on the ‘To date’.

90 days

This is measured on the last day of the period. It is calculated as the percentage of young people who completed an initial plan, plan review, or exit plan during the 90 days before the ‘To date’.

Young people are only included in the calculation if they:

  • were enrolled at least 90 days before the ‘To date’ (because otherwise, a review wasn’t due during this period), and
  • were still enrolled on the ‘To date’

NOTE: The performance standard is the lower percentage of the 30 days and the 90 days contact.

youth satisfaction levels

Young people are asked to rate their experience and to indicate if they had a good experience in Youth Service. The survey will have a scale to gauge level of satisfaction with the service by the Youth Coach.

There are 13 questions in total.  Six questions are closed, and one is open-ended.  The last five questions are background and demographic information.

MSD emails young people who are currently enrolled (starting from 4 weeks of enrolment) and/or have recently exited (up to 4 weeks after exit) from Youth Service.

How is it calculated?

It is calculated as the percentage of young people that have answered the question ‘In general, how helpful was/is the support you got from your Youth Coach?’ as ‘Extremely helpful’ or ‘Very helpful’.

Your Regional Contract Manager will send you your individual results by the end of the quarter. If you do not receive your results, email National Youth Service:

art process pathways and performance measures

Check out the process pathways on how to complete the tasks in ART to record your performance correctly:

Youth Service Service Performance standards process pathways

The following document covers the 'Service performance measures' in ART and how the performance is calculated:

ART user guide Service Performance Measures


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