service level intensity rating

all you need to know about SLI ratings

Service level intensity ratings (SLI) are based on a young person’s age, gender, educational achievement, continuous absence and truancy, low school decile and NCEA results, intergenerational benefit receipt and (if applicable) Oranga Tamariki notifications, and other socio-economic and health factors.

introduction to SLI rating

You must complete the questions online in ART to evaluate the SLI rating for all manual NEET applications including any that are referred to you from YSSU. This includes young people who self-refer, referrals from whānau, community groups, schools, police and other organisations.

The online tool takes into account age, gender, educational achievement and whether or not the young person has a Oranga Tamariki record.


risk factors and health conditions

The Risk Factors & Health Conditions section on the online form includes extra factors that influence the SLI rating. Please note, these are not included in the automatic calculation. They are included so you can capture all factors on one form. This will assist you with further information that may warrant a change to the SLI rating.

Please also add the impact that these factors are having on the young person's life.

outcome of the SLI rating

YSSU use these additional factors and the impact of these to potentially increase the SLI rating. Having all these factors on one form makes it easier for YSSU to find the relevant information and complete the review.

YSSU will liaise with National Office to ensure consistency and seek further clarification for complex cases.

reviewing an SLI rating

To change the SLI rating, you need to create an SLI rating review task.

In this task, you need to clearly state the additional factors that you have identified.  You need to provide enough detail for someone to assess the severity of the SLI factor and the impact on the young person's life.

When reviewing a SLI rating, YSSU will:

  • identify the reason you are requesting a review and consider whether it is appropriate based on the information you provide in your questionnaire
  • assess the severity of the young person's needs
  • increase the rating as appropriate or decline the request

Although verification is not required to review a SLI rating, you must be able to provide verification if the Ministry requests it.

examples of SLI characteristics

SLI rating Characteristics

Someone in this category would generally have:

  • no NCEA Level, NCEA level 1 or equivalent qualification
  • left school before end of school year
  • a lower socio-economic background (deciles 0-4)
  • previous involvement with Oranga Tamariki (placement or Youth Justice intake)
  • spent most of the young person's life supported by Work and Income as a dependent
  • considerable barriers, e.g. multiple convictions, etc.
  • received one or more interventions, e.g stand-downs, suspensions or attending alternative education
  • mental health factors, e.g. severe anxiety, suicide ideation, Foetal Alcohol Syndrome
Very high

Someone in this category would generally have:

  • a combination of the characteristics of a high SLI person (as above) and:
  • significant barriers, e.g. conduct disorder, anti-social behaviour and/or psychological illness, suicide attempt