application process

all you need to know about the NEET application process

NEET is service for at risk 16 and 17 year old young people who are not engaged in education, employment or training.

application process

There are three enrolment streams into the NEET service:

  • Ministry of Education referrals
  • Referrals you request
  • Referrals from YSSU

The process you need to follow to enrol a NEET client, and ensure all enrolments have an initial SLI rating, depends on what referral stream the young person is in.

There may be times where it is inappropriate to work with a young person. You must decline a referral where:

  • there is a clear conflict of interest
  • it is unsafe for you to work with the young person
  • they have been trespassed from your service’s premises.

referrals from ministry of education

Each fortnight Work and Income receives information about all school leavers from the Ministry of Education (MoE). This information is used to create a client profile in ART and assign an initial SLI rating.

Young people within your catchment area will be referred to you if they have a SLI rating within the target group (High or Very High). This is an automated process that takes two days for IT systems to complete.

You need to contact the young person and offer them the service. If a young person would like to participate in the NEET service, then they must sign the consent form. This form must be uploaded onto their ART profile in order to complete the enrolment process.

If you cannot contact them within two months, then you should cancel the referral.

referrals you request

You can actively recruit young people from your community that meet the SLI criteria. These young people may have already had an ART profile created by another provider, or through the MoE school leavers’ data feed.

In some cases, you will need to create a new profile before requesting a referral.

To request a referral:

  1. Identify the young person to give you sufficient confidence in their name and date of birth, including any names they have used in the past.
  2. Search for an existing record in ART.
    • If a record does not exist, create a new ART profile.
  3. Add the young person's details in ART.
  4. Upload a signed consent form.
  5. Request referral.

A notification will be sent to YSSU advising that a new ART profile has been created.  YSSU will check if the young person is eligible using the information provided and assign a SLI rating.

YSSU will process your referral within five working days. You will receive a notification in ART once the referral has been processed.

referrals from yssu

From time to time YSSU will refer a NEET client to you.

These will generally be:

  • former YP clients
  • declined YP applicants that still want the support of the NEET service
  • young people aged 15 years who have an early school leaving exemption.

Former YP clients often do not have a SLI rating. This is because the information needed to apply for a benefit is different to the information needed to enrol in the NEET service.

You will need to create a NEET questionnaire task and upload a completed NEET questionnaire form.

consent form

For more information about the NEET consent form, refer here.

eligibility details page

The eligibility details page in ART is used to ensure manual referrals are eligible and to assign a SLI risk rating. All questions on the eligibility details page must be answered.

If a question is not relevant to the young person, then this needs to be clearly indicated.