family reconciliation counselling

re-uniting families where breakdown has occurred

MSD funds Family Reconciliation Counselling with the goal of a preventing serious family breakdown from occurring or reuniting families where a breakdown has occurred.

Family Reconciliation Counseling is available to all young people – NEET, YP, YPP and young partners – at any point in time.

family reconciliation counselling

Family Reconciliation Counselling (FRC) is a service available for young people and their families where reconciliation is suitable and everyone is willing to participate.

In the family breakdown report the independent assessment provider may recommend Family Reconciliation Counselling.

MSD will pay for Family Reconciliation Counselling if:

  • all parties are willing to participate in Family Reconciliation Counselling
  • the parent/s want to have the young person return home, and
  • the young person is not at risk.

Note: if FRC is not recommended in the initial report, but it seems like it may be valuable for the whānau at any point, funding may be available.  

Where there is no serious relationship breakdown, but the Family Breakdown Assessment Provider has recommended Family Reconciliation Counselling, Work and Income may look at paying for the sessions where:

  • Youth Payment or Young Parent Payment has been declined as there is no serious relationship breakdown
  • a serious relationship breakdown is likely to occur, and
  • all parties are willing to participate.


family reconciliation counselling services

Family Reconciliation Counselling services provide:

  • up to a maximum of six one hour sessions per family
  • face to face counselling with all family members that the counselling provider deems appropriate in their professional opinion 
  • counselling within a timeframe that best supports the young person and their family.

If you think Family Reconciliation Counselling will help one of your taiohi contact YSSU.

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