parenting activity obligation

what young parents need to do

How you can support young parents to meet their parenting obligations.

what young parents need to do

Enrol with a Primary Health Organisation

A young parent must have their child enrolled at a Primary Health Organisation (PHO), a registered medical practitioner or specialist.

Where places are short at either a PHO or registered medical practitioner, the young person can be considered to be meeting this activity obligation if they have a plan in place to:

  • be enrolled at a PHO when a place becomes available, and
  • get health care for their child if their child becomes unwell.

Well Child Tamariki Ora visits

If a young parent has a dependent child under five years old, they must register their child and provide evidence that their child is attending their Well Child Tamariki Ora visits.

Early Childhood Education programme

Young parents need to make sure their children attend an approved Early Childhood Education programme or are in other suitable childcare, while they are in education, training, work-based learning or part-time work.

Parenting Programme

Young parents need to participate in an approved parenting programme that is delivered either by an authorised provider (which could be your organisation). 

what you need to do

You’re responsible for referring a young person to complete an approved parenting programme delivered by an authorised parenting provider

An authorised parenting programme provider is the agency approved by the Ministry of Social Development to deliver parenting programmes for young people in Youth Service. In some cases, an authorised parenting programme provider may not be funded directly by the Ministry but may be funded by other key Government agencies.

For more information about Parenting Obligations, check out parenting obligations | map.

If you’re unable to refer your young person to an authorised parenting programme provider

Programmes can be delivered by external authorised providers or by Youth Service providers delivering an approved programme. If your programme has not already been approved, you’ll need to submit your programme to the inbox and we’ll make sure your programme meets the requirements. 

Find out more about parenting programmes | youth service providers.