education options for taiohi

This section outlines information provided by the Ministry of Education (MOE) on education options for your young person.

education, work-based learning or training opportunities

Here are some options below to help set out achievable realistic educational, work-based learning or training opportunities for young people. 

Activity centres

Activity centres provide alternatives for secondary learners deemed to be at risk of educational underachievement. 

Some centres are seen as places where learners can have ‘time out’ and then be returned to regular secondary schooling. Other centres are seen as an alternative for those who cannot cope with a regular school.

Your local school will decide which learners are at risk and are able to be referred to the activity centre.

For more information on activity centres attached to secondary schools visit Activity centres | tki

Education options for Māori

Education options where learning takes place all or some of the time in te reo Māori mean Māori can enjoy and achieve education success as Māori. In these settings, Māori learner's identity, language and culture is part of their learning. This leads to better engagement with education and learning and has proven to lead to better achievement.

For more information check out Māori Schools Directory | Education Counts

Education options for Pasifika

Pasifika learners are able to learn as themselves and their culture is included in that learning. This leads to higher achievement rates for Pasifika learners.

For more information check out Pacific Schools Directory | Education Counts

Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu (formally known as The Correspondence School)

Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu is New Zealand’s state distance education provider, offering a wide range of programmes from early childhood through to NCEA Level 3.

For more information on Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu visit About Us | Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu

Teen Parent Units

Teen parent units (TPU) support taiohi who are hapu or with children by working closely with an Early Childhood Education (ECE) so that young parents can stay in school and have their children cared for nearby.

Where there is a spot available in a local teen parent unit, young parents are expected to be in education once their youngest child is six months old.

Learn more at Teen parent units | tki


Youth Guarantee

Youth Guarantee is about providing young people with more choices, ways and places to achieve NCEA level 2, and pathways into further learning and work.

Youth Guarantee helps students to succeed through:

  • vocational pathways – guidance on future study and career options.
  • service and trades academies
  • fees-free learning opportunities
  • quality careers information and learning support.

For more information on the youth guarantee initiatives visit Youth Guarantee | Ministry of Education