civil defence payments

assistance for people affected by a civil defence emergency

Information about assistance available for people affected by a Civil Defence emergency and the processes to follow.

civil defence payments

Civil Defence Payments are available to meet the immediate needs of people who are affected by a civil defence emergency.

Civil Defence assistance payments can cover the following costs:

  • accommodation to hosts for evacuees (billeting in private homes, marae or community centres)
  • accommodation in motels, hotels and temporary rental accommodation
  • loss of livelihood payments for affected people who cannot work, and
  • lose income due to the civil defence emergency i.e. the person cannot go to work, the work place is closed or they need to remain with their family
  • food, clothing, and bedding.

Civil Defence emergency assistance does not have to be repaid, is not income and asset tested and, MSD does not take into account any other special needs grant assistance that has been paid to the applicant over the last 52 weeks.

application process for taiohi

The Application form for Civil Defence Payments is linked below.

Print: Civil Defence Payments to Evacuees application Form (Work and Income)

Editable: Civil Defence Payments to Evacuees application – CD2W (

You will also need to confirm that a person has been affected by the Civil Defence emergency, and their identity. The process for doing this can be found in the following link.  

MAP - Application Process - Civil Defence Payment

host accommodation civil defence emergency payments

Applications for Civil Defence emergency host accommodation payments should be made using the form below.

Adverse Event payments to Hosts - Application Form

For more information about payments to hosts visit:

loss of livelihood

Payment can be considered when people cannot work and lose income due to the civil defence emergency or adverse event because:

  • the work place is closed
  • they cannot travel to work due to the emergency, or
  • they need to remain with their family/community.

There are two different rates of payment for loss of livelihood depending on whether the person is in billeted accommodation or not. See the payment rates in MAP for this information.

In cases where work has ceased or is unlikely to be available for a substantial period, phone Work and Income 0800 559 009.