requests for information

Everyone has the right to access information – information about themselves, and official information.

requests for information

Here are some topics covering the basics of responding to requests for information under the Official Information Act 1982 and the Privacy Act 2020.

requests to access personal information

Young people have a right under the Privacy Act to access their own information. If a young person is requesting information about themselves collected by you, you should release that information to the young person unless there is authority under the Privacy Act to withhold it, or it would involve releasing personal information about a third party. If you receive any request from a young person to access their personal information that is held directly by MSD, you must notify YSSU immediately.

YSSU are responsible for managing this request and will follow up with the requestor.

Please note you must never release any personal information MSD hold about a young person directly to the young person or a third party.

information requests

Where you receive a request for personal information or information under the Official Information Act (OIA) from other agencies, bodies or persons you must contact your local RCM who will advise and manage the request with you.

The Ministry have a maximum of 20 working days in which to respond to a request for information.

When you receive a request for information you must verify the identity of the person making the request before you escalate the request to your local RCM.

msd requests information from you

MSD receive information requests under the Official Information Act on a regular basis.

If the Official Information Act request is about your organisation including the contract and performance information, MSD will consult with you prior to releasing any information to the requestor.

In some cases, MSD may contact you to request information you may hold to respond to the request.

For more information about the Official Information Act, please refer to the Ombudsman website or contact your local RCM who can assist.

requests for information from an individual

If you cannot personally identify the individual or they cannot provide you with identification, you should ask three identifying questions such as: their date of birth, middle name, previous and current address, or other identifiers you feel will confirm for you who the individual is.

requests for information from an agent or advocate

If an Agent or Advocate requests information on behalf of an individual, you must ask them to provide the authority by which they can receive another person's information, if you do not already hold that authorisation on the ART record. This can be either in writing, or by verbally confirming the authority with the client and making a note in ART of the confirmation. 

requests for information from a solicitor

A solicitor is able to receive information about a person if they state in writing that they are acting for that person. No further proof is needed.