support for art administrators

here are some tips for monitoring and reporting on exits for youth coaches

reporting and monitoring

Early intervention through reporting helps improve visibility of peak periods of young people exiting our service.

Generally, the peak periods are around the time a young person ends full-time education, training or work-based learning.  The peak periods are November or March the following year.

You can report and monitor foreseeable exits and peak periods through the Service Performance report in the Admins tab.

service performance report

There are many benefits to reporting and monitoring.  The information gives consolidated and updated information, provides internal communication and helps with decision making and planning.

The Service Performance report isn't set up to report on and monitor exits so you will need to manage this for your service. 

You will need to:

  • download the service performance report and save it to a secured folder
  • do a bit of filtering, pivotabling, commentary and display work
  • provide an update to your team

Once complete, delete the service performance report from your secured folder and empty your recycle bin.