work and income benefits

working age benefits from msd

A list of working age benefits MSD can offer people depending on their situation.

jobseeker support

Jobseeker Support is a weekly payment that helps people while they are looking for work or can't work right now. 

Who can get it

To get Jobseeker Support, clients generally need to be in one of the following situations:

  • not be in employment and are looking for a job
  • be in part-time employment and looking for more work, or
  • have a health condition or disability which affects their ability to work. This means they have to reduce your hours or stop work for a while. MSD may still be able to help if they have a job to go back to.

More information: Jobseeker Support

sole parent support

Sole Parent Support is a weekly payment that helps single parents find part-time work or get ready for future work.

This benefit:

  • helps them get ready for future work (if their youngest child is under 3)
  • supports them to find part-time work (if their youngest child is 3 or over)
  • may mean they can get help with education and training.

Only one parent or caregiver can get Sole Parent Support. Shared care of their child could affect their payments.

More information: Sole Parent Support

supported living payment

Supported Living Payment is a weekly payment to help you if you have, or are caring for someone with, a significant health condition, injury or disability.

This includes if they are:

  • permanently and severely restricted in their capacity to work for 2 years or more because of a health condition, injury, disability, or totally blind, OR
  • caring for a person who needs full time care and attention at home and would otherwise need to be in hospital or other care facility.

More information: Supported Living Payment

emergency benefit

If they can't support themselves and don't qualify for any other payment, they may be able to get the Emergency Benefit.

If they qualify for another payment, they need to apply for this instead of the Emergency Benefit.

More information: Emergency Benefit

emergency maintenance allowance

Emergency Maintenance Allowance is an Emergency Benefit. It provides income support for sole parents with one or more dependent children if they do not meet specific criteria for Sole Parent Support or Young Parent Payment. 

For more information: Emergency Maintenance Allowance (MAP)

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