essential modules

Click on the links below to complete the learning modules or access resources.

introduction to Youth Service Ratonga Taiohi

New to Youth Service? Or just need a refresher?

Check out our online learning module designed to introduce you to key information, common terms we use and the main activities of youth coaches working in Youth Service

Click on the link below to access this e-learning module:

Click here to begin - Introduction to Youth Service Ratonga Taiohi

learn our waiata - Tōku Ake

In this course you'll learn the history of our Youth Service waiata, the meaning behind the kupu, and if you're brave enough, have a chance to sing along with with us.

Click on the link below to access this e-learning module:

Click here to begin - Toku Ake

ART - introduction

This module covers:

  • Introduction to ART
  • Launching ART
  • The Dashboard
  • The Enrolment Process
  • The Referral Screen
  • Accepting a Referral
  • Declining a Referral
  • Uploading Supporting Documentation
  • Deleting Attachments
  • Completing Enrolment Checklist

Click here to begin - Art introduction

administration and reporting

Information captured in ART is used to generate the required reports.

Many of the reports can only be accessed by those with administration privilege's (e.g. Team leaders/managers) and as such you may not have access to the screens required. 

This module will still give coaches an overview as to how reports are generated and why.

Please refer to the Master Outcome Agreement for monitoring requirements and further information. 

Click here to begin - Administration and reporting

alerts in art

There might be instances when a young person’s behaviour poses a risk to staff safety or a young person may need to be contacted in a way that meets their individual circumstances and needs, e.g. hearing impaired.

Alerts help capture and record information and provide you with important details about a young person before making contact with them.

This module provides an overview about alerts and information on how to add, view, edit and remove an alert.

For providers - click here to begin the module.

For YSSU - click here to begin the module

employment support

Youth Service Ratonga Taiohi helps young people with their options for studying or training and how to be ready for the world of work. Some young people may already be in part-time employment at the time they apply for Youth Payment or Young Parent Payment or may want to supplement their Youth Payment or Young Parent Payment with part-time earnings from work.

For some of our young people, obtaining sustainable employment will be the most appropriate option for them. The Ministry of Social Development (MSD) offers services for taiohi to help improve their skills through education, training, work, or other related activities.

This course covers some of the ways you can support our taiohi to become work-ready and some of the supports MSD has that can help young people enter the workforce. 

Click here to begin - Employment Support


driver licence

For actions up to 30 July 2024

This module will give you guidance on how to record and claim costs for driver licences.  Click here.

For the new self-referral process from 1 April 2024

You will learn about the new driver licence programme and how to support young people to this programme.  Click here.

For a full breakdown of changes to the Youth Service Driver Licence programme

Click here.

keeping yourself safe guide

The purpose of this guide is to provide you with helpful tips to keeping yourself safe when working with young people.

It does not cover health and safety emergencies, events, accidents and incidents within your workplace such as natural disasters, slips and falls, or a young person is injured while participating in an activity - these are managed by your service.

You should always follow your own health and safety policies, processes and procedures.

These tips are only intended to complement what you already have in place.

Click here to begin - Keeping yourself safe guide

keeping yourself well guide

As a youth coach, you play an important role in shaping the lives of taiohi and inspiring them to achieve their potential.

To support the wellbeing of taiohi, you must look after your own. This guide is will support and empower you to prioritise your health and wellbeing while coaching and mentoring young people. This guide is will support and empower you to prioritise your health and wellbeing while coaching and mentoring young people.

Click here to begin – keeping yourself well guide

Youth Service Support Unit (YSSU)

This module will introduce YSSU to you, their roles and responsibilities and how they help youth coaches.

Click here to begin - Youth Service Support Unit (YSSU) 

rainbow diversity

This module aims to give you an oversight of working alongside diverse groups of people.

Click here to begin - Rainbow diversity